Unit8 Data & AI Technology Radar
2 minutes
Jörg Besier joins Unit8 as a Strategic Advisor
2 minutes
Unit8 combines artificial intelligence and ethics
2 minutes
Switzerland’s fastest-growing AI company Unit8 welcomes Sagard NewGen as an investor, to accelerate its next phases of growth
2 minutes
Unit8 achieves Microsoft’s Data & AI Solutions Partner designation
2 minutes
The AI/ML toolkit with Darts and Nixtla
2 minutes
Switzerland’s fastest-growing AI company Unit8 takes a look at the Swiss economy in 2023
2 minutes
AI Regulation Threatens Financial Industry
2 minutes
Unit8: Dieses Startup vereinfacht die Datenanalyse [DE]
Unit8 revenue growth sets the pace
Unit8 désignée par FT comme entreprise de données & IA à la plus forte croissance de Suisse
Unit8 ist die am schnellsten wachsende Firma der Schweiz
Financial Times Names Unit8 as Fastest Growing Swiss Data & AI Firm
La croissance rapide et remarquée de la firme lausannoise Unit8
Lessons learned deploying ML in industry
Marcin Pietrzyk · 6:04 minutes
Firmenich D-Lab: Journey of an Industrial ML Lab
Christine Chichester & Julien Herzen · 11.59 minutes
AI in Industry – from dating to marriage
Florian Roessler · 11.59 minutes
Darts for Time Series Forecasting – Julien Herzen, Francesco Lässig at PyData Global 2021
Julien Herzen, Francesco Lässig · 28 minutes
These Swiss teams won in the Climate Hackathon
Darts’ Swiss Knife for Time Series Forecasting
towardsdatascience.com · 13 minutes
Wisdom of the Forecaster Crowd
towardsdatascience.com · 7 minutes
Unit8 joins forces with WWF to predict wildfires
Fighting forest fires with AI in French-speaking Switzerland
Fabrice Delaye ·
Methane Leaks – Unit8 Climate
Stratiteq and Microsoft team up for Climate Hackathon
Stratiteq ·
Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Real-life Business Cases, Online Event
Darts Library for Time Series | Data Skeptic
Project Methane Leaks – Unit8 Climate | Climate Hackathon
Sherry List ·
Une intelligence artificielle romande pour lutter contre les feux de forêt
Fabrice Delaye ·
Switzerland, land of big pharma, tries to reel in AI startups
Dominique Soguel ·

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